Ajoittain eteen tulee löytö, josta ei pääse hetkeen eroon, pitää kuunnella usein ja kuitenkin säästellä. Ja tietää lisää; kuoropojasta, harpusta ja elokuvasta.
Musiikin selailu spotifysta on epävirallinen harrastukseni sellaisina hetkinä, kun olen paikalle sidottu; odotan vaikkapa Kepen taksia tai perunoiden kypsymistä. Kerään omalle listalle biisejä, joista jää jälki tunnemuistiin, musiikkia elokuvaan, jota elän.
Musiikissa kuulen ensin vain melodian, suomalaisissakin. Sanoituksen valta on niin suuri, että pelkään niiden vievän hengen säveleltä; tappavan tunnelman, kertovan liian paljon ja suoraan, tulkitsevan väärin, polttavan tunteen loppuun.
Teksti ei ole aina tarpeen, tunteen voi aistia sanattomastikin.
Ylitulkitsemisen vaara on olemassa.
I came home
In the morning
Just a little bit ago
You lie asleep
In our bed
All twisted in your clothes
When the rain came down
Upon our rooftop
With a rhythm like this
Let the hair stand up
On my shoulders
When you open your mouth
Say aaooh
Say aaooh
So I wrote you a letter
Wedged into my forearm
With the pen that you gave me
'Cause if there's one thing that I mustn't face
This is happening
This is happening
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
Wish that I was strong enough
To be yours
In the morning
Just a little bit ago
You lie asleep
In our bed
All twisted in your clothes
When the rain came down
Upon our rooftop
With a rhythm like this
Let the hair stand up
On my shoulders
When you open your mouth
Say aaooh
Say aaooh
So I wrote you a letter
Wedged into my forearm
With the pen that you gave me
'Cause if there's one thing that I mustn't face
This is happening
This is happening
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I was strong enough
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
To be yours
Wish that I could give it all
Wish that I could change enough
Wish that I was strong enough
To be yours
Active Child - Johnny Belinda
Belinda (Jane Wyman), kuuro nuori nainen, joka raiskataan elokuvassa Johnny Belinda (1948). |